Category Archives: SQL Server

SQLDIY: Alert On Blocking Chains

Continuing the SQLDIY monitoring project we will take a look at tracking blocking events. I actually received a request to update this from a script I had made available at SQLServerCentral. This was a script from the grand old days of SQL Server 2000 and actually used xp_smtp_sendmail That Gert Drapers wrote about a million years ago in SQL Server time. With the advent of database mail it only made sense to update the procedure to use it. This still relies on sysprocesses but since it isn’t deprecated yet I’ve got at least three versions of SQL Server before I need to fix that. I did replace fn_get_sql with sys.dm_exec_sql_text since it is deprecated. Also, it simplified things by reducing the temporary table count by one thanks to the power of cross apply.

This module serves two purposes. One, to alert you based on criteria and thresholds. Two, track blocking issues over time. I found that concurrency issues crop up over time due to increase in data sizes. Tracking these blocking events may help you get in front of what may be a design flaw before it cripples your application.

As always, we create a new table BlockingChains in our local management database.

use Management
drop table BlockingChains
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[BlockingChains] (
	[ServerName] [varchar] (255) NOT NULL,
	[SampleTime] [datetime] NOT NULL ,
	[Spid] [int] NULL ,
	[SpidBlocked] [int] NULL ,
	[WaitType] [varchar] (255) NULL ,
	[WaitTime] [bigint] NULL ,
	[PhysicalIO] [bigint] NULL ,
	[CPUInSeconds] [bigint] NULL ,
	[MemoryUsed] [bigint] NULL ,
	[Name] [nvarchar] (128)  NOT NULL ,
	[NumberOfOpenTransactions] [tinyint] NULL ,
	[Status] [varchar] (20)  NULL ,
	[HostName] [varchar] (50)  NULL ,
	[ProgramName] [varchar] (100)  NULL ,
	[CommandIssued] [varchar] (100)  NULL ,
	[DomainName] [varchar] (100)  NULL ,
	[DomainUserName] [varchar] (200)  NULL ,
	[LoginName] [varchar] (100)  NULL ,
	[EventTpe] [varchar] (255)  NULL ,
	[Parameters] [varchar] (255)  NULL ,
	[EventInfo] [varchar] (4000)  NULL ,
	[CommandText] [varchar] (max)  NULL

Next comes the stored procedure. We have to get creative if we want to capture blocking chains under a minute. To do that we side step the sql agent a bit and have it start our job and let it run. The procedure then enters a loop and waits.

The procedure is pretty self explanatory and follows a pattern you will see me use again for gathering information at a resolution less than one minute. @Recivers should be a list of emails separated by a semicolon(;). the “ignore” variables are all comma separated lists. You may wish to ignore some things to keep the noise level down.

USE management


CREATE PROCEDURE Alertonblocking @Duration          DATETIME = '08:00:00',
                                 -- Duration of data collection in hours.
                                 @IntervalSec       INT = 30,
                                 -- Approximate time in seconds the gathering interval.
                                 @MaxWaitTime       INT = 28000,
                                 -- This is in milliseconds.
                                 @Recivers          VARCHAR(8000) =
'',-- Who all gets the emails.
                                 @ProcessesToIgnore VARCHAR(8000) = '',
                                 -- Ignore any processes that you don't want to trigger an alert.
                                 @HostsToIgnore     VARCHAR(8000) = '',
                                 -- Ignore any host that you don't want to trigger an alert.
                                 @LoginsToIgnore    VARCHAR(8000) = ''
-- Ignore any login that you don't want to trigger an alert.
  SET nocount ON

  CREATE TABLE #active_spids
       spid           INT,
       blocked        INT,
       waittype       VARCHAR(255),
       waittime       BIGINT,
       physical_io    BIGINT,
       cpu            BIGINT,
       memusage       BIGINT,
       [dbid]         INT,
       open_tran      TINYINT,
       [status]       VARCHAR(20),
       hostname       VARCHAR(50),
       [program_name] VARCHAR(100),
       cmd            VARCHAR(100),
       nt_domain      VARCHAR(100),
       nt_username    VARCHAR(200),
       loginame       VARCHAR(100),
       [sql_handle]   [BINARY] (20) NOT NULL,
       [stmt_start]   [INT] NOT NULL,
       [stmt_end]     [INT] NOT NULL,
       [sql_text]     [VARCHAR] (MAX)

  CREATE TABLE #active_spids_info
       spid           INT,
       blocked        INT,
       waittype       VARCHAR(255),
       waittime       BIGINT,
       physical_io    BIGINT,
       cpu            BIGINT,
       memusage       BIGINT,
       [dbid]         INT,
       open_tran      TINYINT,
       [status]       VARCHAR(20),
       hostname       VARCHAR(50),
       [program_name] VARCHAR(100),
       cmd            VARCHAR(100),
       nt_domain      VARCHAR(100),
       nt_username    VARCHAR(200),
       loginame       VARCHAR(100),
       [sql_handle]   [BINARY] (20) NOT NULL,
       [stmt_start]   [INT] NOT NULL,
       [stmt_end]     [INT] NOT NULL,
       eventtype      VARCHAR(255),
       parameters     VARCHAR(255),
       eventinfo      VARCHAR(4000),
                [VARCHAR] (MAX)

  CREATE TABLE #event_info
       spid         INT,
       eventtype    VARCHAR(255),
       [Parameters] VARCHAR(255),
       eventinfo    VARCHAR(4000)

  DECLARE @TerminateGatheringDT DATETIME,-- when to stop gathering
          @WaitFor_Interval     DATETIME,
          @LastRecordingDT      DATETIME,
          @RecordingDT          DATETIME,
          @myError              INT,-- Local copy of @@ERROR
          @myRowCount           INT,-- Local copy of @@RowCount
          @msgText              NVARCHAR(4000),-- for error messages
          @dbname               VARCHAR(255),
          @svrname              VARCHAR(255),
          @datestart            AS DATETIME,
          @tstamp               VARCHAR(255),
          @spid1                VARCHAR(255),
          @dbname1              VARCHAR(255),
          @status               VARCHAR(255),
          @hostname             VARCHAR(255),
          @programname          VARCHAR(255),
          @cmd                  VARCHAR(255),
          @nt_domain            VARCHAR(255),
          @nt_username          VARCHAR(255),
          @loginame             VARCHAR(255),
          @text                 VARCHAR(8000),
          @msg                  VARCHAR(8000),
          @sub                  VARCHAR(8000),
          @timestamp            AS DATETIME,
          @spid                 INT,
          @sqlhandle            BINARY(20),
          @tsqlhandle           AS VARCHAR(255),
          @waittime             VARCHAR(255),
          @waittype             VARCHAR(255),
          @buffer               VARCHAR(255),
          @diffmsec             BIGINT

  --SET @Duration = '08:00:00' -- Duration of data collection
  --SET @IntervalSec = 30 -- Approx sec in the gathering interval
  --SET @MaxWaitTime = 28000 -- This is in miliseconds!!!
  --SET @Recivers = '' --who all gets the emails
  SET @diffmsec = Datediff(ms, CONVERT(DATETIME, '00:00:00', 8), @Duration)

  SELECT @WaitFor_Interval = Dateadd (s, @IntervalSec,
                             CONVERT (DATETIME, '00:00:00', 108
         @TerminateGatheringDT = Dateadd(ms, @diffmsec, Getdate())

  WHILE Getdate() <= @TerminateGatheringDT
        TRUNCATE TABLE #active_spids

        TRUNCATE TABLE #active_spids_info

        TRUNCATE TABLE #event_info

        INSERT INTO #active_spids
        SELECT spid,
        FROM   (SELECT spid,
                       'waittype' = CASE
                                      WHEN waittype = 0x0001 THEN
                                      'Exclusive table lock'
                                      WHEN waittype = 0x0003 THEN
                                      'Exclusive intent lock'
                                      WHEN waittype = 0x0004 THEN
                                      'Shared table lock'
                                      WHEN waittype = 0x0005 THEN
                                      'Exclusive page lock'
                                      WHEN waittype = 0x0006 THEN
                                      'Shared page lock'
                                      WHEN waittype = 0x0007 THEN
                                      'Update page lock'
                                      WHEN waittype = 0x0013 THEN
                                      'Buffer resource lock (exclusive) request'
                                      WHEN waittype = 0x0013 THEN
                       'Miscellaneous I/O (sort, audit, direct xact log I/O)'
                       WHEN waittype = 0x0020 THEN 'Buffer in I/O'
                       WHEN waittype = 0x0022 THEN 'Buffer being dirtied'
                       WHEN waittype = 0x0023 THEN 'Buffer being dumped'
                       WHEN waittype = 0x0081 THEN 'Write the TLog'
                       WHEN waittype = 0x0200 THEN 'Parallel query coordination'
                       WHEN waittype = 0x0208 THEN 'Parallel query coordination'
                       WHEN waittype = 0x0420 THEN 'Buffer I/O latch'
                       WHEN waittype = 0x0421 THEN 'Buffer I/O latch'
                       WHEN waittype = 0x0422 THEN 'Buffer I/O latch'
                       WHEN waittype = 0x0423 THEN 'Buffer I/O latch'
                       WHEN waittype = 0x0424 THEN 'Buffer I/O latch'
                       WHEN waittype = 0x0425 THEN 'Buffer I/O latch'
                       WHEN waittype = 0x0800 THEN 'Network I/O completion'
                       WHEN waittype = 0x8001 THEN 'Exclusive table lock'
                       WHEN waittype = 0x8003 THEN 'Exclusive intent lock'
                       WHEN waittype = 0x8004 THEN 'Shared table lock'
                       WHEN waittype = 0x8005 THEN 'Exclusive page lock'
                       WHEN waittype = 0x8006 THEN 'Shared page lock'
                       WHEN waittype = 0x8007 THEN 'Update page lock'
                       WHEN waittype = 0x8011 THEN
                       'Buffer resource lock (shared) request'
                       ELSE 'OLEDB/Miscellaneous'
                FROM   MASTER.dbo.sysprocesses sp WITH(nolock)
                       CROSS APPLY sys.Dm_exec_sql_text([sql_handle]))a
        WHERE  blocked > 0
               AND waittime > @MaxWaitTime
        UNION ALL
        SELECT spid,
        FROM   (SELECT spid,
                       'waittype' = CASE
                                      WHEN waittype = 0x0001 THEN
                                      'Exclusive table lock'
                                      WHEN waittype = 0x0003 THEN
                                      'Exclusive intent lock'
                                      WHEN waittype = 0x0004 THEN
                                      'Shared table lock'
                                      WHEN waittype = 0x0005 THEN
                                      'Exclusive page lock'
                                      WHEN waittype = 0x0006 THEN
                                      'Shared page lock'
                                      WHEN waittype = 0x0007 THEN
                                      'Update page lock'
                                      WHEN waittype = 0x0013 THEN
                                      'Buffer resource lock (exclusive) request'
                                      WHEN waittype = 0x0013 THEN
                       'Miscellaneous I/O (sort, audit, direct xact log I/O)'
                       WHEN waittype = 0x0020 THEN 'Buffer in I/O'
                       WHEN waittype = 0x0022 THEN 'Buffer being dirtied'
                       WHEN waittype = 0x0023 THEN 'Buffer being dumped'
                       WHEN waittype = 0x0081 THEN 'Write the TLog'
                       WHEN waittype = 0x0200 THEN 'Parallel query coordination'
                       WHEN waittype = 0x0208 THEN 'Parallel query coordination'
                       WHEN waittype = 0x0420 THEN 'Buffer I/O latch'
                       WHEN waittype = 0x0421 THEN 'Buffer I/O latch'
                       WHEN waittype = 0x0422 THEN 'Buffer I/O latch'
                       WHEN waittype = 0x0423 THEN 'Buffer I/O latch'
                       WHEN waittype = 0x0424 THEN 'Buffer I/O latch'
                       WHEN waittype = 0x0425 THEN 'Buffer I/O latch'
                       WHEN waittype = 0x0800 THEN 'Network I/O completion'
                       WHEN waittype = 0x8001 THEN 'Exclusive table lock'
                       WHEN waittype = 0x8003 THEN 'Exclusive intent lock'
                       WHEN waittype = 0x8004 THEN 'Shared table lock'
                       WHEN waittype = 0x8005 THEN 'Exclusive page lock'
                       WHEN waittype = 0x8006 THEN 'Shared page lock'
                       WHEN waittype = 0x8007 THEN 'Update page lock'
                       WHEN waittype = 0x8011 THEN
                       'Buffer resource lock (shared) request'
                       ELSE 'OLEDB/Miscellaneous'
                FROM   MASTER.dbo.sysprocesses sp WITH(nolock)
                       CROSS APPLY sys.Dm_exec_sql_text([sql_handle])
                WHERE  spid IN (SELECT blocked
                                FROM   MASTER.dbo.sysprocesses WITH(nolock)
                                WHERE  blocked > 0
                                       AND waittime > @MaxWaitTime)) a
        ORDER  BY blocked

        --loop through the spids without a cursor
        WHILE (SELECT COUNT(spid)
               FROM   #active_spids) > 0
              SET @spid = (SELECT TOP 1 spid
                           FROM   #active_spids
                           ORDER  BY spid)

              --grab the top spid
              INSERT INTO #active_spids_info
              SELECT TOP 1 spid,
              FROM   #active_spids
              ORDER  BY spid

              INSERT INTO #event_info
              EXEC('DBCC INPUTBUFFER (' + @spid + ') WITH NO_INFOMSGS')

              --get the inputbuffer
              EXEC('update #event_info set spid = '+@spid+' where spid IS NULL')

              --add the spid to the input buffer data
              SELECT @sqlhandle = sql_handle
              FROM   #active_spids
              WHERE  spid = @spid

              DELETE FROM #active_spids
              WHERE  spid = @spid
          --remove the spid processed

        UPDATE #active_spids_info
        SET    #active_spids_info.eventtype = #event_info.eventtype,
               #active_spids_info.parameters = #event_info.parameters,
               #active_spids_info.eventinfo = #event_info.eventinfo
        FROM   #active_spids_info,
        WHERE  #active_spids_info.spid = #event_info.spid

        --join all the info into one table
        SET @timestamp = Getdate()

        --select statement to return results
        INSERT INTO management.dbo.blockingchains
               @timestamp       AS tstamp,
               ( a.cpu / 1000 ) AS cpu_in_seconds,
        FROM   #active_spids_info a
               INNER JOIN MASTER.dbo.sysdatabases b
                 ON a.dbid = b.dbid

        IF ( (SELECT MAX(sampletime)
              FROM   management.dbo.blockingchains
              WHERE  spidblocked = 0
                     AND programname NOT IN( @ProcessesToIgnore )
                     AND hostname NOT IN( @HostsToIgnore )
                     AND ( domainname NOT IN( @LoginsToIgnore )
                            OR loginname NOT IN( @LoginsToIgnore ) )) =
              SELECT @sub = 'Blocking Issues - ' + @@SERVERNAME

              SELECT @tstamp = sampletime,
                     @spid1 = spid,
                     @status = status,
                     @hostname = Isnull(hostname, ''),
                     @programname = Isnull([programname], ''),
                     @cmd = Isnull(commandissued, ''),
                     @nt_domain = Isnull(domainname, ''),
                     @nt_username = Isnull(domainusername, ''),
                     @loginame = Isnull(loginname, ''),
                     @text = Isnull(commandtext, ''),
                     @waittime = (SELECT MAX(waittime)
                                  FROM   management.dbo.blockingchains
                                  WHERE  sampletime = (SELECT MAX(sampletime)
                     @waittype = Isnull(waittype, ''),
                     @buffer = Isnull(eventinfo, '')
              FROM   management.dbo.blockingchains
              WHERE  sampletime = (SELECT MAX(sampletime)
                                   FROM   management.dbo.blockingchains)
                     AND spidblocked = 0

              SELECT @msg =
  'The user below is at the head of the blocking chain on the listed server:'
         CHAR(13) +
                CHAR(13) + 'Server Name:' + @@SERVERNAME + CHAR(13) +
                'TimeStamp: ' + @tstamp + CHAR(13) + 'SPID: ' + @spid1 + CHAR(13)
  + 'Login Name: ' + @loginame + CHAR(13) + 'NT Domain: ' + @nt_domain + CHAR(13)
  + 'NT Username: ' + @nt_username + CHAR(13) + 'Host Name: ' + @hostname +  CHAR(13) 
  + 'Command: ' + @cmd + CHAR(13) + 'Program Name: ' +
                @programname + CHAR(13) + 'Wait Type: ' + @waittype + CHAR(13)
                'Maximum Wait Time For Blocked Thread: ' + @waittime + CHAR(13) +
                'Input Buffer: ' + @buffer + CHAR(13) + 'Status: ' + @status +
                CHAR(13) + 'SQL String:' + CHAR(13) +
  CHAR(13) + @text

  EXEC msdb.dbo.Sp_send_dbmail
    @recipients = @Recivers,
    @body = @msg,
    @subject = @sub;

  WAITFOR delay @WaitFor_Interval -- delay

  DROP TABLE #active_spids

  DROP TABLE #active_spids_info

  DROP TABLE #event_info

If you find a bug or have an issue just add a comment here and I’ll address it.

Fixed bug where EventInfo was too small move from 255 to 4000

SQLDIY: Gather Virtual File Statistics Using T-SQL #TSQL2sDay 15

It’s that time again, T-SQL Tuesday is here! This time Pat Wright (blog|twitter) is hosting and has put forth automating tasks using ether T-SQL or Powershell. I LOVE automating stuff. As a production DBA in some very large shops you can’t do your job unless you make your servers work for you. I’ve been using T-SQL and *GASP* xp_cmdshell, OSQL and file shares to gather stats and push configurations to servers for decades. Log before fancy things like C# and Powershell existed. These days I use a variety of home grown tools but doing things with just T-SQL can be just as powerful. I’m going to leverage this post to start a series on a pure T-SQL implementation of configuration management, data gathering and utility procedure deployment.

Where Is Your Management Database?

Every DBA should have two things, a utility, or management database on every server and a central repository where all the locally collected data in the management database is pulled back to. What surprises people when I talk about this methodology is I don’t always advocate using a licensed copy of SQL Server. By that I mean that SQL Express works just great as a central repository server. I usually put this on a virtual machine, Hyper-V or what ever flavor of virtual environment your company supports. This allows you to do things like enable CLR and xp_cmdshell on a server that technically is non-production and keep your security risk much lower. Every server that is deployed in my shop gets a local management database. From the central repository I can push out everything I need to manage a server and keep all my servers up to date as I make improvements or bug fixes to the management code. That’s all I’m really going to say about that in this post though I just wanted to give you an idea of just how deep the rabbit hole can go.

DMV’s give you the information, you have to use it.

Since SQL Sever 2005 Microsoft let of of the black box mentality and started providing crazy useful information via Dynamic Management Views. Virtual file statistics though have been around for quite a while. They got a touch up in the DMV but the basic information was available in SQL Server 2000 via function call.  The DMV I’m after is sys.dm_io_virtual_file_stats. It has a ton of information in it. It’s main problem though is it is an aggregation over time and doesn’t really tell you what is different from yesterday to today. To get around that we have to build our own sampling routine.

The VirtualFileStats Table

We create a table in our local management database to collect the daily numbers. I try to keep things simple.

CREATE TABLE dbo.VirtualFileStats
     RecordID                             INT IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
     ServerName                           VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
     DBID                                 INT NOT NULL,
     FileID                               INT NOT NULL,
     Reads                                BIGINT NULL,
     ReadsFromStart                       BIGINT NULL,
     Writes                               BIGINT NULL,
     WritesFromStart                      BIGINT NULL,
     BytesRead                            BIGINT NULL,
     BytesReadFromStart                   BIGINT NULL,
     BytesWritten                         BIGINT NULL,
     BytesWrittenFromStart                BIGINT NULL,
     IostallInMilliseconds                BIGINT NULL,
     IostallInMillisecondsFromStart       BIGINT NULL,
     IostallReadsInMilliseconds           BIGINT NULL,
     IostallReadsInMillisecondsFromStart  BIGINT NULL,
     IostallWritesInMilliseconds          BIGINT NULL,
     IostallWritesInMillisecondsFromStart BIGINT NULL,
     RecordedDateTime                     DATETIME NULL,
     IntervalInMilliseconds               BIGINT NULL,
     FirstMeasureFromStart                BIT NULL
CREATE TABLE dbo.VirtualFileStatsHistory
     RecordID                             INT NOT NULL,
     ServerName                           VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
     DBID                                 INT NOT NULL,
     FileID                               INT NOT NULL,
     Reads                                BIGINT NULL,
     ReadsFromStart                       BIGINT NULL,
     Writes                               BIGINT NULL,
     WritesFromStart                      BIGINT NULL,
     BytesRead                            BIGINT NULL,
     BytesReadFromStart                   BIGINT NULL,
     BytesWritten                         BIGINT NULL,
     BytesWrittenFromStart                BIGINT NULL,
     IostallInMilliseconds                BIGINT NULL,
     IostallInMillisecondsFromStart       BIGINT NULL,
     IostallReadsInMilliseconds           BIGINT NULL,
     IostallReadsInMillisecondsFromStart  BIGINT NULL,
     IostallWritesInMilliseconds          BIGINT NULL,
     IostallWritesInMillisecondsFromStart BIGINT NULL,
     RecordedDateTime                     DATETIME NULL,
     IntervalInMilliseconds               BIGINT NULL,
     FirstMeasureFromStart                BIT NULL

This is what we need to gather, and later analyze the data. Since we are managing our samples we have to know when the sampling started and what the first sample is. FirstMeasureFromStart lets us know that it is the first base measurements the rest of the samples will delta off of.

GatherVirtualFileStats Stored Procedure

Next we need a stored procedure to do the sampling. One thing you will notice is the procedure executes continuously with a WAIT FOR DELAY built into it so you can get finer grained than the 1 minute limitation of the SQL Agent. Sometimes, I will do one off sampling for a short period, say 30 minutes at a 30 second interval but most often I just let it run and set the sample rate at 1 minute or larger depending on how busy the system is.

            id = Object_id(N'[dbo].[GatherVirtualFileStats]')
            AND Objectproperty(id, N'IsProcedure') = 1)
  DROP PROCEDURE [dbo].[GatherVirtualFileStats]


--  GatherVirtualFileStats
--  by: Wesley D. Brown
--  date: 02/08/2011
--  mod:  04/14/2011
--  mod:  04/17/2013

--  description:
--	This stored procedure is used to sample sys.dm_io_virtual_file_stats to track
--	performance at a database file level. This is useful for finding
--	hotspots on SAN's or under performing IO systems.

--  parameters:
--    @Duration	 = '01:00:00' How long to run before exiting
--   @IntervalInSeconds = 120 Number of seconds between samples
--@DB			 = -1 DB_ID to monitor, -1 for all
--@DBFile		 = -1 File_ID of file to monitor, -1 for all
--  usage:
--  	DECLARE @RC         INT,
--			@StartTime  DATETIME,
--			@databaseID INT

--	SELECT @StartTime = Getdate(),
--		   @databaseID = Db_id()

--	EXEC @RC = Gathervirtualfilestats
--	  '00:45:30',
--	  30,
--	  10,
--	  -1

--	FROM   dbo.VirtualFileStats
--	WHERE  DBID = 10
--	ORDER  BY RecordID

--  platforms:
--  SQL Server 2005
--  SQL Server 2008
--  SQL Server 2008 R2
--  SQL Server 2012
--  tested:
--  SQL Server 2005 SP2
--  SQL Server 2012
--  *** change log		***
--	Added history table and perge on start up if there is data in the main table
--  *** end change log	***
CREATE PROC dbo.Gathervirtualfilestats
  @Duration          DATETIME = '01:00:00',
  @IntervalInSeconds INT = 120,
  @DB                INT = -1,
  @DBFile            INT = -1
  SET nocount ON

    @StopTime                 DATETIME,
    @LastRecordedDateTime     DATETIME,
    @CurrentDateTime          DATETIME,
    @ErrorNumber              INT,
    @NumberOfRows             INT,
    @ErrorMessageText         NVARCHAR(4000),
    @CurrentServerName        VARCHAR(255),
    @DifferenceInMilliSeconds BIGINT,
	@SQLVersion				  VARCHAR(50)

	select @SQLVersion =
		substring(version_number,1,charindex(' ',version_number))
			substring(version,charindex('-',version)+2, charindex('(',version)-patindex('%.[0-9]',version)) as version_number from
				select @@version as version
			) as t
	) as t

	if (charindex('11.',@SQLVersion,0) > 0)
		IF (@DB = -1)
			set @DB = NULL
		IF (@DBFile = -1)
			set @DBFile = NULL

                    id = Object_id(N'[dbo].[VirtualFileStats]')
                    AND Objectproperty(id, N'IsTable') = 1)
              INSERT INTO dbo.VirtualFileStatsHistory

              TRUNCATE TABLE dbo.VirtualFileStats;

    @CurrentServerName = Cast(Serverproperty('servername') AS VARCHAR(255))

  SET @DifferenceInMilliSeconds = Datediff(ms, CONVERT(DATETIME, '00:00:00', 8), @Duration)

    @StopTime = Dateadd(ms, @DifferenceInMilliSeconds, Getdate())

  WHILE Getdate() <= @StopTime
          @LastRecordedDateTime = @CurrentDateTime

          @CurrentDateTime = Getdate()

        INSERT INTO dbo.VirtualFileStats
          vfs.num_of_reads - dbaf.ReadsFromStart                            AS Reads,
          vfs.num_of_reads                                                  AS ReadsFromStart,
          vfs.num_of_writes - dbaf.WritesFromStart                          AS Writes,
          vfs.num_of_writes                                                 AS WritesFromStart,
          vfs.num_of_bytes_read - dbaf.BytesReadFromStart                   AS BytesRead,
          vfs.num_of_bytes_read                                             AS BytesReadFromStart,
          vfs.num_of_bytes_written - dbaf.BytesWrittenFromStart             AS BytesWritten,
          vfs.num_of_bytes_written                                          AS BytesWrittenFromStart,
          vfs.io_stall - dbaf.IostallInMillisecondsFromStart                AS IostallInMilliseconds,
          vfs.io_stall                                                      AS IostallInMillisecondsFromStart,
          vfs.io_stall_read_ms - dbaf.IostallReadsInMillisecondsFromStart   AS IostallReadsInMilliseconds,
          vfs.io_stall_read_ms                                              AS IostallReadsInMillisecondsFromStart,
          vfs.io_stall_write_ms - dbaf.IostallWritesInMillisecondsFromStart AS IostallWritesInMilliseconds,
          vfs.io_stall_write_ms                                             AS IostallWritesInMillisecondsFromStart,
            WHEN @LastRecordedDateTime IS NULL THEN NULL
            ELSE Datediff(ms, dbaf.RecordedDateTime, @CurrentDateTime)
          END                                                               AS IntervalInMilliseconds,
            WHEN @LastRecordedDateTime IS NULL THEN 1
            ELSE 0
          END                                                               AS FirstMeasureFromStart
          sys.Dm_io_virtual_file_stats(@DB, @DBFile) vfs
        LEFT OUTER JOIN VirtualFileStats dbaf
          ON vfs.database_id = dbaf.dbid
             AND vfs.[file_id] = dbaf.fileid
          ( @LastRecordedDateTime IS NULL
             OR dbaf.RecordedDateTime = @LastRecordedDateTime )

          @ErrorNumber = @@ERROR,
          @NumberOfRows = @@ROWCOUNT

        IF @ErrorNumber != 0
              SET @ErrorMessageText = 'Error ' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), @ErrorNumber) + ' failed to insert file stats data!'

              RAISERROR (@ErrorMessageText,
                         1) WITH LOG

              RETURN @ErrorNumber

        WAITFOR DELAY @IntervalInSeconds

I Have Data, Now What?

This is where the fun begins! If you just query the table the data doesn’t make much sense.


We need to do some simple math and get the data into a metric that is meaningful.

SELECT TOP 10 Db_name(dbid)                                          AS 'databasename',
              File_name(fileid)                                      AS 'filename',
              Reads / ( IntervalInMilliSeconds / 1000 )              AS 'readspersecond',
              Writes / ( IntervalInMilliSeconds / 1000 )             AS 'writespersecond',
              ( Reads + Writes ) / ( IntervalInMilliSeconds / 1000 ) AS 'iopersecond',
                WHEN ( Reads / ( IntervalInMilliSeconds / 1000 ) ) > 0
                     AND IostallReadsInMilliseconds > 0 THEN IostallReadsInMilliseconds / Reads
                ELSE 0
              END                                                    AS 'iolatencyreads',
                WHEN ( Reads / ( IntervalInMilliSeconds / 1000 ) ) > 0
                     AND IostallWritesInMilliseconds > 0 THEN IostallWritesInMilliseconds / Writes
                ELSE 0
              END                                                    AS 'iolatencywrites',
                WHEN ( ( Reads + Writes ) / ( IntervalInMilliSeconds / 1000 ) > 0
                       AND IostallInMilliseconds &gt; 0 ) THEN IostallInMilliseconds / ( Reads + Writes )
                ELSE 0
              END                                                    AS 'iolatency',
FROM   management.dbo.VirtualFileStats
       AND FirstMeasureFromStart = 0

This gives us reads, writes and io latency per second results.


Now we are cooking! We can now see that on this database we are seeing some spikes in latency, the number of milliseconds it takes to complete a single IO request, and may warrant investigation. As a general rule of thumb if I see IO latency above 20 milliseconds consistently I start looking deeper into the IO system to see what is wrong. A single modern hard disk is capable of 130 random IO’s a second. Another thing to consider is how many databases are on the same disk. I will pull the database files together with the volume they are on to get a true aggregate number of IO’s and latencies. You may find that a single database is dominating the disks and causing other databases to slow down even when the number of IO’s for those databases is small. On a SAN being able to get to the file level can help you locate the physical disks for that LUN and help your SAN administrators look at a very specific spot instead of the overall health of the SAN and actually fix your performance issues.

Lastly, I run a nightly job that performs these aggregations for me and moves them into a table that I keep long term so I can see performance over time. This is a great way to see if you are getting near your IO capacity and if the steps you have done correct the issues.

So, That’s it?

Not by a long shot. Measuring IO latencies is just one piece of a much larger puzzle for troubleshooting performance problems. It is a valuable one though, and keeping this information over time is just priceless. Now that you have the tools to gather virtual file statistics on your SQL Server instance I’d love to hear how you are using the data.

Update 4/14/2011

I added a history table an a check at the beginning to move all data to history before starting up. Mike Kaplan reported below that multiple runs caused issues if there was data in the table from a previous run.

Update 4/17/2013

Added a check for the version of SQL Server. In 2012 they changed the syntax so calling the dmv with a -1,-1 simply gives you no data. Previously, it returned all database files.

Sometimes, you have to fix it yourself

The Problem

SQL Server is a huge product with lots of moving parts. Bugs happen. Microsoft has a place to voice your issues or problems. They allow you to vote on the issue and then decide when or if it will get fixed. I’ve used Connect when I hit a bug and I have voted on items that were important to me. Recently I hit a bug in sp_createstats. I use this system stored procedure generate statistics in an automated process I’ve got that manages statistics. I added a new vendor database to the system and on the first run hit “Column ‘DAYSOPEN’ in table ‘dbo.TBL_OPPORTUNITY’ cannot be used in an index or statistics or as a partition key because it is non-deterministic.”. Well, we all know you can’t create stats on a computed column! I quickly went to the connect site and someone else had already entered it. The down side was it had so few votes it was only slated to go into the next cumulative update/service pack. When I hit this issue they hadn’t yet announced service pack 4. I already had this procedure coded into my routines and really didn’t want to rewrite them to get past this one problem.

The Solution


By doing what I am about to describe could break at a later date or randomly kill baby kittens.

Since it is a system stored procedure I am loathe to make any changes to it directly. There are ways to modify some system stored procedures but they involve the installation CD and creativity. With that door closed there was only one avenue open to me. Create my own system stored procedure with the fix in it. There is a problem with this solution as well, if it gets dropped due to a service pack or an upgrade anything calling it will break. The first thing I did was to see if the procedure text was available by executing sp_helptext sp_createstats. Luckily it was! Now all I had to do was figure out where it was broken. The procedure is pretty simple and uses some cursors to loop through all the objects and create column statistics where they don’t exist.

declare ms_crs_cnames cursor local for select from sys.columns c  
     where c.object_id = @table_id  
     and (type_name(c.system_type_id) not in ('xml'))  
     and not in (select col_name from #colpostab where col_pos = 1)  
     and (( in (select col_name from #colpostab)) or (@indexonly <> 'INDEXONLY'))
    -- populate temporary table of all (column, index position) tuples for this table  

It was pretty easy to spot. The weren’t checking to see if the column was computed so I added a line to the where clause.

and c.is_computed = 0

That’s it. One little check to see if it is a computed column. Now that I had fixed it I created a new procedure named sp_createstats_fixed in the master database. Just creating it in master doesn’t make it act like the original procedure or make it a system stored procedure. For that I had to execute EXECUTE sp_MS_marksystemobject ‘sp_createstats_fix’. This is an undocumented stored procedure and could change or go way any time. The only way to unmark it in SQL Server 2005 is to drop the procedure and recreate it. Now it acts just like the old procedure. Next I had to replace all references to the old proc with the new one. I made an entry into our bug tracking system about the change so we would have a record of what I did and why.


This wasn’t the most elegant solution. It could break later. The upside is it only took me about 30 minutes to fix and deploy versus the hours of re-coding and then testing that I would have had to do before. Do I think you should go around creating your own system stored procedures? Not at all. I don’t recommend you put anything in the master database period. If the problem had been more complex I would have redone the original routines to exclude the broken procedure. This time it just happened to be a very quick fix to a non-critical part of our system.

Quick Tip Of The Day

Over and over again we are told that the DMV’s only hold data since your last reboot. So, how do you know when your server was last rebooted? Well, every time your SQL Server service restarts tempdb is recreated every time. With a quick query to sys.databases we can get the creation date of tempdb! Armed with that little nugget you can then analyze what is in the DMV’s relevant to the last system restart.


    create_date AS last_restart_time



   WHERE  name = 'tempdb'

Adventures in SQL CLR and C#

I’ve toyed with the CLR in SQL Sever 2005 off and on since the first Yukon beta had it enabled. And I’ll be honest with you, I was not a fan.It wasn’t like “YOU got chocolate in my peanut butter!” kind of moment for me. I really thought it was going to be a disaster of biblical proportions. As SQL Server DBA’s we caught a break, adoption wasn’t exactly stellar. The problem was there are enough restrictions and little gotchas to keep developers from whole sale abandoning Transact SQL for something more familiar. Fast forward a few years and now I’m not so scared.My biggest worry back then was memory usage. I’m still not very comfortable with it, but on a 64-bit platform you can mitigate those issues by adding more memory. On a 32-bit platform you could cause all kinds of damage by squeezing the lower 4GB memory space to the point you could have connection and backup failures due to lack of memory. Oh and the fix is usually restarting SQL Server. An example of this comes directly from 

Scalable Memory Usage

In order for managed garbage collection to perform and scale well in SQL Server, avoid large, single allocation. Allocations greater than 88 kilobytes (KB) in size will be placed on the Large Object Heap, which will cause garbage collection to perform and scale much worse than many smaller allocations. For example, if you need to allocate a large multi-dimensional array, it is better to allocate a jagged (scattered) array.


This memory thing is serious.

The other biggie is what you can, or cannot do using the CLR.

Again from MSDN

SAFE is the most reliable and secure mode with associated restrictions in terms of the allowed programming model. SAFE assemblies are given enough permission to run, perform computations, and have access to the local database. SAFE assemblies need to be verifiably type safe and are not allowed to call unmanaged code.

UNSAFE is for highly trusted code that can only be created by database administrators. This trusted code has no code access security restrictions, and it can call unmanaged (native) code.

EXTERNAL_ACCESS provides an intermediate security option, allowing code to access resources external to the database but still having the reliability guarantees of SAFE.

Most restrictive to least restrictive permissions. Something you don’t worry about in general as a C# programmer but in the database its always an issue in some way.

What it boils down to:

If you are just talking to SQL Server using basic C# stuff leave it in SAFE which is the default.

If you need access to the file system or the registry and some other limited stuff EXTERNAL_ACCESS is the way to go.

IF you want to have the ability to completely tank a production SQL Server UNSAFE puts it all into your hands. You can call unmanaged code via P/Invoke, all bets are off.


Some additional light reading on what libraries can and can’t be called in the CLR.

Fun stuff, no Finalizers or static fields, read-only static fields are ok though. You will see why this is important to me a little later on.



The other thing I had been promoting, and not always correctly, is putting complicated math functions in CLR. Generally, I’ve found that most math problems run faster in the CLR over native T-SQL. And I’ve found for the most part that holds true for the core algorithm. Once you add data retrieval into the mix things shift back in T-SQL’s favor for a lot of operations. Like everything else, test your ideas using real world scenarios or as close as you can before deciding on one technology over another. I prime example for me was coding up Pythagorean and Haversine equations for the classic distance between two zip codes in T-SQL and C# via CLR. Running test data through an array in the C# solution it ran rings around the T-SQL function I had coded up but once it had to start pulling and pushing data back to the database the T-SQL solution was the clear winner.

Another aspect where the CLR can be much better is string manipulation. I’ve written a couple of small UDF’s to handle some of this since using the LIKE ‘%’ would cause a table scan anyway the CLR UDF was faster internally when dealing with the string than T-SQL was using all the string handling functions.

I’m also seeing quite a bit on using the CLR for rolling aggregates and other kinds of aggregation problems. I don’t have any personal experience in that yet with the CLR.

There are also some things that aren’t practical at all using T-SQL, some would say you shouldn’t be using the database for some of this stuff in the first place but that is an argument for a different post.


And Now for Something Completely Different…

I’ve recently started working on my most complex project using the CLR, some aspects have been covered by other folks like Adam Machanic, Robin Dewson and Jonathan Kehayias but there was some specific requirements that I needed.

Thus was born….

SQL Server File System Tools

This is a codeplex hosted project and all the source code is available there for your viewing pleasure.

I’ve done a lot of C# stuff but this was my first hard core CLR app for SQL Server.

What the assembly does is pretty simple, store files in the database ether native, encrypted or compressed.Yoel Martinez wrote up a nice UDF that does blob compression using the CLR. Between this and examples in Pro SQL Server 2005 on storing files in the database I knew I could do what I needed to do.

The wrinkle in my project was not just reading the file and storing it compressed it was putting it back on disk compressed as well. Enter #ziplib (SharpZipLib). This library allows you to pretty easily create standard zip files that even Windows Explorer can open and extract from. So with all the bits in place I set out to build my little tool.


Development Cycle

The first thing I did was put together all the samples I’d found build them up as a set of stored procedures instead of UDF’s and just got the file in and out working. Next I added compression via C#’s DeflateStream to see what it would take to get the data flowing in and out and what the performance hit in memory and time would start looking like. At this point I was pretty optimistic I could knock this thing out in a day or two tops. That was all fine and dandy until I started integrating the #ziplib library. My initial goal was to have the assembly set to EXTERNAL_ACCESS since that was the most restrictive security model.

Since the guys that wrote #ziplib didn’t have the CLR in mind there are several things that break without UNSAFE set. As I mentioned earlier the use of finalizers and static fields were the two big ones. I will at some point recode those parts but for now they are still in place. The second thing is the library covers a lot more functionality that I actually need, So I’ve removed the bits I can without refactoring the library. The resulting DLL isn’t horribly big at this point but I figure when I get around to coding up the finalizers I’ll refactor down to what I need then. One big plus for me though is #ziplib is all managed code written in C# so it is pretty easily added directly into my DLL so I don’t have to register two assemblies or call down to the file system to a unmanaged DLL. Compression is handled by RijndaelManaged which is a built in .net 2.0 libraries.

The big downer for me was trying to debug the the code in Visual Studio 2008, when it did work it was ok but It would fail to connect or fail to register the assemblies so I just fell back to injecting debug messages and running tests manually in SSMS.

One thing I really like about programming languages like C# is method overloading, I really wished you could do that with stored procedures! Since I can’t there were only two options, a stored proc that had lots of flags and variables that may or may not be used and handle it all under the covers or just build each option into a proc with simple callers and a descriptive name. I voted for option two. Some of the T-SQL procedures are used internally by the CLR procedures while all the CLR procedures are called by the user.

Here is the list procedures and what they do.

Called by CLR procedures as helpers

Is called by every proc that inserts a file into the database.

Called by StorePassPhrase to handle insert into database.

Called by any proc that has to decrypt a file stream

Called by any proc that retrieves a file from the database

Called by Users

T-SQL Procedures

Called by User supplying a file id and list of key words or “tags” as a search helper other than file name.

Get details on a single file or every file stored in the database.

CLR Procedures

Give it a password and it generates a secure hash stored into the database for symmetric encryption

Below all store a file from the file system into the database.

Below all retrieve a file from the database back to the file system.

Below all retrieve a file from the database but returns a record set with the file name and the BLOB data.

And lastly, I put in an xp_getfiledetails clone since I wanted a way to verify the file is on disk and get attributes it seemed pretty straight forward since I’m getting the same details when i write the file to the database anyway.

Final Thoughts

This project isn’t done yet. there are a few more things to be added other than the code cleanup I mentioned already.

Off line decryption tool so the files dumped to disk still encrypted can be worked with.

Additional stored procedures for searching for files by tag or by attributes like name, size, etc.

A real installer and not a zip file with T-SQL scripts.

After that it goes into maintained mode with no new features but work on speeding it up, reducing the memory impact and fixing any bugs that are found. I really want to avoid this growing into a huge library, Keep it simple, do one thing and do it well.


Here are some things that helped me along the way.

Development Tools

Visual Studio 2008 
could have used notepad but hey I’m getting lazy in my old age.

JetBrains ReSharper 4.5
If you are using Visual Studio ReSharper is a must. I feel like I’m programming the the stone age without it.

Free tool to help you document your C# code using XMLDoc. Yet something else I wished I could do with stored procedures

If you are building documentation and have XMLDoc in your code this can make it easier to gather it all together. It isn’t perfect but it is free.


Both solid text Pro SQL Server 2005 has a chapter on CLR

Pro SQL Server 2005


This one is dedicated to just CLR and was also invaluable to me.

Pro SQL Server 2005 Assemblies


On The Web
Devoted to the CLR with some nice resources.

My Twitter buddies are always there to answer a question or two!

Until next time!
